•  Handwashing


    Remember to make handwashing a healthy habit at home, school, and play!

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  • Rialto School Based Clinic

    Rialto School Based Clinic

    Parents of Kindegarten or 1st Grade Students: Students must have their immunizations up-to-date. We want our STARS to be prepared when our school reopens for learning.

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  • A Parents' Guide to Immunizations

    The California School Immunization Law requires that children be up to date on their immunizations (shots) to attend school. To attend school, your child’s Immunization Record must show the date for each required shot above. If you do not have an Immunization Record, or your child has not received all required shots, call your doctor now for an appointment.

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  • Examenes Medicos y Dentales

    En un examen de salud completo se pueden encontrar problemas médicos, dentales y/o de salud mental antes de que sean serios. También se dan las vacunas necesarias. Tendrá tiempo para hacer preguntas. Si está requerido, se puede hacer un examen de salud para cuidado de crianza, deportes o campamentos. Por lo general, los exámenes CHDP se hacen en el mismo lugar donde recibie sus otros servicios de salud.

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  • Medical and Dental Check Ups

    A complete health check-up may find medical, dental, and/or mental health problems before they become serious. Needed shots are given. There is time to ask questions. A health check-up may be given, when required, for foster care, sports, or camp. You can usually get CHDP Check-Ups where you get your health care.

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  • Clothing Tree

    With the support of our District employees, the community, and at no cost to the students, the Clothing Tree provides less fortunate students with every day school clothing. We believe that by providing this much needed assistance, we promote a more positive experience for all students in the Rialto Unified School District.

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  • El Arbol de Ropa

    Con el apoyo de nuestros empleados del Distrito, con la comunidad y sin ningún costo a los estudiantes, el Árbol de Ropa provee a estudiantes menos afortunados con ropa para la escuela. Creemos que al proveer esta ayuda, pro- movemos una experiencia positiva para todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Rialto.

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  • ARMC's Breathmobiles

    Get your child’s health rolling in the right direction. If your child has problems with frequent coughing, asthma attacks, recurrent bronchitis, or allergy symptoms, the Breathmobile Asthma Clinic Program can help!

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  • Medical, Dental, Vision, and Counseling Services

    If your looking for medical, dental, vision, and counseling services check out the area flyer resource.

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  • A Parent's Guide to Head Lice

    Dealing with head lice can be a scary situation. The thought of tiny parasites in your child’s hair can lead to panic and rushed decisions. Check out this useful brochure to find ways how you can remove head lice.

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  • Una Guia Para Padres de Familia Sobre los Piojos de la Cabeza

    Lidiar con los piojos puede ser una situación aterradora. La idea de pequeños parásitos en el cabello de su hijo puede provocar pánico y decisiones apresuradas. Consulte este útil folleto para encontrar formas de eliminar los piojos.

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