• What is Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS)?

    Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to support and educate ALL STUDENTS.  It is a proactive approach to school-wide discipline that is based on three levels of prevention/intervention to address the needs of all students.  PBIS is not a curriculum, intervention, or practice, but rather a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.


    Bemis PBIS Mission

    Bemis Elementary School will provide a safe and nurturing learning environment that empowers students to be responsible and respectful while building the skills necessary to meet challenges and transform their dreams into reality.


    Bemis Bridge Academy Expectations
       Click image to enlarge


    PBIS Strategies That You Can Use

    Classroom Expectations: Having clear, consistent, positively stated behavior expectations in the classroom, are an important key in creating a positive, productive classroom environment. Referring to behavior expectations frequently will build strong behavior habits in your students/child.

    Motivations for behavior:  All behavior has a motivation.  The most common motivations for behavior are: avoiding a task, attention seeking behavior, and a power struggle.  Knowing the motivations of your student/child can help you properly address problem behavior. 

    ABC's of Behavior:  Every problem behavior has an Antecedent (the cause of the behavior), the Problem Behavior (the actual behavior), and the Consequence (the result of the behavior).  If you can figure out the cause of the problem behavior, you can often intervene and prevent the problem behavior from every taking place.  Also, if you can make sure that the Consequence of the problem behavior is appropriate to the motivation, then you can reduce the occurrence of the problem behavior.

    Positive Language: Starting the day off right can change everything. If you like hearing kind words, make sure you use them with your kids: “Please and Thank You, I am so glad you are here, Great Job, I am so proud of you!”

    Affective Questions: These 5 magic questions can change a confrontation into a discussion. When a situation arises with a student either talk about these or have them answer them in writing:

    1. What happened?
    2. What were you thinking at the time?
    3. What have you thought about since?
    4. Who has been affected?
    5. What needs to happen to make things right?
  •                      PBIS Silver Medal 2022

    PBIS Community Cares Medal

    Bemis Bobcats


    PBIS Team