Wellness Center Links
Students can self refer to the wellness center or be referred by a parent, staff member, peer or counselor. Click the link below to be referred to the wellness center referral form.
Wellness Center Referral
Student Accident Insurance
Please click on the links below to find more information regarding our Student Accident Insurance.
Student Accident Insurance brochure (English)
Student Accident Insurance brochure (Spanish)
Student Accident Claim Form (English)
Student Accident Claim Form (Spanish)
Student Athletic Accident Insurance
Department of Behavioral Health is open from 8am-8pm Monday - Friday. They are currently only servicing individuals over the age of 18. If someone under the age of 18 needs assistance they will refer them to another community partner. Their phone number is (909) 421-9595.
211 is a resource center (United Way) providing connections for many services in the county similar to 911.
Individuals can reach them by dialing 211, texting 211 or visiting the websites INLAND EMPIRE UNITED WAY or 211 SAN BERNARDINO 24/7
They connect students and their families with many resources including:
- Food & Clothing Banks
- Shelters
- Rent Assistance
- Utility Assistance
- Physical & Mental Health
- Work Support
- Access to Services in Non-English
- Support for Older Populations and Individuals with Disabilities
- Children, Youth and Family Support
- CALFresh and Medical Telephone Enrollment
- Child Abuse
- Maternal Health
Health and Wellness Hotlines
- Police (Emergency): 911
- Rialto Police Department: 1-909-820-2550
- Community Crisis Response Team: 1-909-421-9233
- National Suicide Prevention Center: 1-800-273-8255
- Trevor LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-909-381-3471
- Sexual Abuse Hotline: 1-800-827-8724
- Emergency Shelters: 1-800-982-2221
- Youth Shelters: 1-909-486-3454
- Rialto Child Assistance: 1-909-875-0141
- Reach (Resource for Emergency Food): 1-909-875-1330
- Rialto Unified Safety Office: 1-909-820-6892
- Crisis Text Line: Text "HOME" to 741741