FAQs for Teachers

  • Q: How many hours per day do we need to prepare and plan?
    A:  There are no set hours per day or week. You need to prepare for 10 hours of work at the elementary level and 12 hours at the high school level for the students.


    Q:  Do I need to meet with my students live on Google Meet?
    A:  You may, but it is not a requirement. You can reach out to your students in other ways including email, phone calls, or apps you have been using this year such a Remind or Class Dojo.


    Q:  Do I need to attend virtual staff meetings?
    A:  It is important to attend virtual staff meetings just as you attended staff meetings at your school site. If you are unable to attend due these unique circumstances with which we are dealing, you will still be responsible for the information provided and will need to reach out to your principal.


    Q:  Do we need to have live collaboration meetings?
    A:  No, you may collaborate via email, text or phone calls as well for one our per week. Many folks are preferring the live collaboration meetings as it is refreshing to speak to colleagues and share ideas and issues which may have occurred. A summary of the meeting needs to be turned in to the principal.


    Q:  Do I need to add my principal or AP to my Google Classroom?
    A:  Yes, you must add your site admin to your Google Classroom. Just as they were allowed into your physical classroom at school, they are allowed into your Distance Learning classroom. Consider it a classroom walkthrough.


    Q:  Can I have a set schedule for my students to follow? Like certain times they must log on to Google Meet?
    A:  You cannot expect students to follow a schedule as they did at the actual school. If you schedule a live lesson on Google Meet, you must also post the video of the lesson so students can access it at a later date. This is the synchronous/asynchronous model in the MOU. 


    Q:  Do I have to have daily office hours? Do I need to be live?
    A:  Yes, you must have one hour per day of office hours when parents and students can get ahold of you. You need not be live, but be available to answer emails or return phone calls if that is your preferred way of communicating.


    Q:  Do I need to check both my Gmail and Outlook emails?
    A:  Yes, and answer within 24 hours.


    Q: Parents have asked me if Distance Learning is mandated. Is it?
    A:  At this time Distance Learning is not mandated. However, strongly encourage parents to have their children participate so they do not fall behind in academics.


    Q:  I want to cancel my leave and work from home with Distance Learning. What do I need to do?
    A:  Contact personnel and request your leave be cancelled. You may need a physician's note clearing you to work from home.


    Q:  I am going out on leave. How many weeks of Distance Learning do I need to prepare?
    A:  Just for the following one week. A substitute teacher will take it from there, much as they do at the actual school site.