Addressing the Teacher Shortage in Southern California
Teach Rialto is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the nationwide teacher shortage and its impact on the Rialto Unified School District. The program offers individuals interested in pursuing a career in teaching through one of three options: Career Technical Education (CTE), Project Impact, and Teacher Residency. Teach Rialto provides financial assistance and support to motivate and inspire highly effective and culturally responsive teachers who will meet the academic and social emotional needs of student in the District.
Purpose: (Threefold)
- Meet the Diverse Needs of Students
The three teacher pathway options are intended to address the teach shortage as well as ensure all teacher candidate are well prepared and committed to educational equity and social justice. There is a need for students to be taught by caring teachers, preferably by caring teachers who share similar cultural experiences and ethnic backgrounds to those of students, especially males of color. There is evidence that students experience a greater level of academic success when they are taught and interact with educators who look like them.
- Staff High Need Subjects
- While mitigating the teacher shortage and ensuring ethnic and gender representation to reflects our student population, Teach Rialto additionally encourages and prioritizes teacher candidates who commit to obtaining teaching credentials in difficult to staff subjects, such as math, science, and special education. Vacancies in difficult to staff subjects can have a deleterious effect on a student’s educational experience.
- While mitigating the teacher shortage and ensuring ethnic and gender representation to reflects our student population, Teach Rialto additionally encourages and prioritizes teacher candidates who commit to obtaining teaching credentials in difficult to staff subjects, such as math, science, and special education. Vacancies in difficult to staff subjects can have a deleterious effect on a student’s educational experience.
- Mitigate the Teacher Shortage
- Project Impact
- Teacher Residency
- CTE Teacher Pathway
- Meet the Diverse Needs of Students
Rialto Project Impact is a program available to current District employees who desire to complete their bachelor’s degree and teaching credential. This program is primarily for males of color who wish to teach in Rialto. Project Impact provides intentional outreach, recruitment, and financial support to ensure candidates enroll at California State University, San Bernardino, complete their bachelor’s degree and/or teacher credential, and are employed as teachers in the District.
The RUSD's Teacher Residency program is designed for community members who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching. The program offers financial support and mentoring while completing the required university coursework for a teaching credential. The residency program allows teacher candidates to learn in authentic contexts with skilled mentors, ensuring they enter the teaching profession fully prepared.
Career Technical Education Teacher Pathway is for high school students interested in a teaching career. This option provides opportunities for students to explore teaching as a profession, develop essential teaching skills, earn college credit while still in high school, and receive support in transferring and gaining acceptance to California State University, San Bernardino.
Project Impact
Project Impact was created to significantly increase diversity in the teaching work force through intentional outreach and recruitment of minority males in the Inland Empire who want to enter the TK-12 teaching profession in the Inland Empire. In partnership with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) College of Education, the Rialto Unified School District will recruit scholars from within the classified and substitute teaching pools into Project Impact to prepare the men to become highly skilled, collaborative, innovative teachers, who will commit to work as agents for educational equity and social justice.
Purpose and Rationale
For students, having a teacher of color, who has high expectations, and can relate to their experiences, and serve as a role model can make a big difference in their school experiences. When students of color have teachers of color they are more likely to finish high school at higher rates and more likely to go to college. For example, having at least one black teacher from third to fifth grade can cut the high school dropout rate in half for black boys.
There is a dire need for male teachers of color. Black men make up just 1% of California’s teachers, and Latino men are less than 6% of the teaching force in the state. Data shows that Black and Latino male teachers are underrepresented in schools across the country. According to the National Teacher and Principal Survey, 1.3% public school teachers nationwide were Black men in the 2020-21 school year. Black and Latino men are sorely needed in the teaching field as the state of California struggles with unfair disciplinary practices, achievement gaps, and conversations surrounding culturally responsive pedagogy. Minority male teachers help improve academic outcomes of the students they serve.
In the Rialto Unified School District 4% of teachers are Black males and 11% are Latino male teachers. While this number slightly surpasses the state data, it still represents a need to increase males of color within our District that serves 96% minority students. Our District has a priority to recruit and retain highly qualified male teachers of color to provide students with a quality education and inspiration for our communities to thrive.
The Solution
Project Impact focuses on underrepresented males within our educational system
Project Impact is a partnership between CSUSB and the Rialto Unified School District
Project Impact offers financial support to minority male employees who desire to earn a single subject, multiple subject, or special education teaching credential
Project Impact scholars must be a certificated employee (substitute) or a classified employee (Grow our Own Model)
Project Impact scholars are provided with mentors, professional development, networking opportunities, and academic support
Project Impact scholars are committed to teaching in our District for three years upon successful completion of the program
The Need
Rialto USD is looking for passionate and innovative partners that are interested in supporting the Project Impact program. We have been fortunate for the past couple of years to have additional one time State funding that we have used to support long term solutions. However, in order to keep Project Impact in place, we need financial support from corporations or private sponsors. We believe you are an ideal partner to support the development of Rialto USD future teachers. We ask that you consider supporting this program.
Career Technical Education (CTE)
The purpose of the Teach Rialto CTE courses is to develop a grassroots movement that aims to inspire Rialto high school students to serve their communities by entering the field of education. Teach Rialto CTE will allow participating students to enroll and earn their bachelor’s degrees and teaching credentials, and return to their home district as teachers.
Purpose and Rationale
Employment in education, training, and library occupations is projected to grow 10 percent from 2020 to 2030, about 920,500 new jobs are projected to be added during that time. Student enrollment is projected to increase; therefore, postsecondary teachers and preschool, elementary, and secondary school teachers will be needed to meet the demand. The California School Boards Association has reported that the state needs roughly 100,000 teachers to provide high-quality education for the state’s current students, and the need is the greatest in historically underserved communities. Nationally, there are more than 280,000 fewer public school teachers now than at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In Rialto, we believe that strong communities are achieved through strong partnerships and through Teach Rialto CTE we are excited to strengthen our partnership with California State University, San Bernardino to enable our youth to serve others through the noble profession of teaching. Teach Rialto will help bring students into positions of leadership and community engagement through the teaching profession.
The Solution
The high school courses that focus on Pre-School to second Grade teacher preparation in this pathway are, Child Development and Careers with Children. The courses that focus on fourth Grade to high school English, Math, Science & Special Education Grade teacher preparation are, Intermediate Education, and Careers in Education. Teach Rialto CTE also supports achievement in post-secondary learning that builds to a complete teaching credential. Students in this pathway have an opportunity to apply to California State University, San Bernardino and allows our pathway completers to finish their credential in five years instead of the normal six years. Students have additional opportunities for financial aid support and co-housed scholarships. The program further provides mentorship and encouragement for students that are going through Teach Rialto CTE. Parents will be involved in the process through a systematic program of communication and education.
The Need
Rialto USD is looking for passionate and innovative partners to support the Teach Rialto CTE students financially throughout their post-secondary education. We believe you are an ideal partner for Rialto USD students and families. We ask that you consider supporting our initiative.
Teacher Residency
WHAT IS TEACHER RESIDENCY? Click here for more information.
An innovative partnership between Rialto Unified School District (RUSD), California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) and Alder Graduate School of Education (Alder GSE) to build a diverse teacher workforce. Teacher Residency Programs are helping to address teacher shortages and support both students and teachers. High-quality residencies that offer aspiring teachers financial support and mentorship can help address targeted teacher shortage areas, recruit a more diverse pool of teachers, and improve new teacher retention. The RUSD Teacher Residency Program offers financial support and mentoring while candidates complete the required university coursework with either CSUSB or Alder GSE for a teaching credential and a Master’s degree. The residency program allows teacher candidates to learn in authentic contexts with skilled mentors, ensuring they enter the teaching profession fully prepared.