
Superintendent's Message
The Board of Education and I thank you for your patience, understanding, and support during this unprecedented physical closure of schools. You have all contributed to a graceful adjustment to the closure of schools and transition to Distance Learning, and have worked with great empathy to address the challenges that these new circumstances have produced for students and their families. We know this is a difficult time for you and your families as well. But we are confident the unity and vitality of our District community will give us the necessary strength, so that together, we overcome this temporary but complex reality that affects us in so many ways.
Please continue to visit the Rialto USD webpage for ongoing updates on school closures and important information that might pertain to you within your modified work assignment.
-Cuauhtémoc Avila, Ed.D.
MOU's, Agreements & Other Notification
- Superintendent Dr. Avila's Essential Employees Letter - August 6, 2020
- Dr. Avila's Letter Addressing School Opening - July 7, 2020
- Superintendent's Letter to Staff - June 22, 2020
- Memorandum of Understanding Between Rialto Education Association and the Rialto Unified School District
- Memorandum of Understanding Between California School Employees Association and the Rialto Unified School District
- Employee Rights Informational Poster
- Employee Pay Chart
Reopening Plans
The 2020-2021 school year presents an opportunity for Rialto Unified School District to discover new possibilities in the wake of COVID-19. Students and teachers returned to begin the school year in a non-traditional setting and format under newly established safety conditions. These settings, structures, and conditions require teachers to deliver instruction in different ways, and students to learn without physically attending class every day, or in the case of distance learning, at all. As such, everyone is learning to function and succeed anew. This plan outlines scheduling models, recommendations for instruction, expectations of students and teachers in regards to safety and operational protocols. To view this plan click below.
Teacher Resources
Bridge Academy Expectations for Students:
Safety is the number one priority for our Rialto USD students. In an effort to create safe virtual learning environments during this time of Distance Learning, the District would like to remind families of the expectations for our Rialto “Digital Citizens.”
- Please review and adhere to the Rialto USD Acceptable Use Policy
- Please take a few minutes to review and listen to the PBIS Distance Learning Expectations video
- Please be aware that if a student exhibits behavior that violates the above expectations, progressive discipline may be issued.
Bridge Academy Attendance - Teacher Expectations
Teacher Lessons & Resources
2020-21 Lesson Modules (Secondary Math)
2019-20 Distance Learning Resources for Teachers (Elementary)
🍎 Training Videos and Other Resources 🍎
WHAT IS PBIS? THE BEST INTRO VIDEO! (2 min 40 seconds)
By Author & Coach Dina Hidiq Zebib
By PBIS Team- Karen Weaver, Angelica Manzo, Miesha Calloway, Dave Emrick, Andres Solorzano, Lanaja Sankey and Vincent Ressa
Special Education
In this link, you will find learning resources and various supports for students and their families. There are resources specifically for students receiving special education and related services. We have provided supports for speech services, social skills, behavior, occupational/physical therapy, and social-emotional supports. There will be more resources added regularly.
Additional Information:
Technology Support
If you need technical support, please contact your school's Instructional Technology Assistant (ITA). If your school does not have an ITA, please contact the IT Helpdesk at (909) 820-6863 ext. 2602 or 2603 for technical issues or Paulina Villalobos (pvillalo@rialto.k12.ca.us) for Google questions.
If you are in need of a hotspot, please contact your school.