Master Teacher Resource Page
  • At Rialto Unified School District, we want to create excellent environments in which to serve future teachers. In order to do that, we need to ensure strong partnerships with our universities as well as excellent resources for our master teachers.

    Research around pre-service teacher preparation states that it is one of the most important processes in a teacher's career. In fact, many new teachers say that their student teaching experience was the most valuable of their entire teacher preparation program (Bastian & Patterson, 2018).

    We have a high need for excellent master teachers in the 2024-25 school year.  This is one of the pipelines from which we hire new teachers, so it is vital that we support our university partners in working with their student teachers.

    If you are interested in supporting a student-teacher this school year, please fill out the following survey. Teachers who meet the eligibility requirements for a Rialto USD Master Teacher have 3+ years in the district, a Clear Credential, Meets/Exceeds on evaluations, and site administrator approval. 

    Thank you so much for your interest in supporting our future teachers!

  • 10 Tips for Hosting a Student Teacher

    • Help build a level of comfort within
      the classroom and the building.
    • Create some personal space.
    • Be the bridge.
    • Hand over the reins.
    • Introduce them to all aspects of teaching.
    • Offer feedback.
    • Focus on classroom management.
    • Introduce technology.
    • Be available.
    • Learn FROM them.


  • A great idea for your student teacher is for them to apply to be substitute teachers in our district. 
     When they are hired as a substitute teacher, they are an employee of the district and get a district badge and email.  For a list of requirements or additional information

    email here.

    Every university credential program has different requirements and expectations of their student teachers.

    The university supervisor can be a great resource for both your student teacher and you. Get to know them well, as they will be in and out of your classroom all year.



    Student Teachers annually in the U.S.


    Are hired by the District they student teach in


    Teach in the same school in which they did their student teaching 


    Percentage of teachers who serve as student mentors. 
    We could do better!


    "My student teacher was able to do everything that I was doing with my scholars during this trimester. She was able to teach lessons, give asynchronous assignments and correct them, use assessment data to drive her instruction, and create Google slides to help with delivering content as well as assign independent work."  
    Master Teacher 2023

    "My student teacher and I had a great rapport.  Building that was super important. It was great to see him improve throughout his time with me.  We would debrief after every lesson and I would have him lead that conversation so he was doing most of the thinking and problem- solving." 
    Master Teacher 2022  

    "My master teacher was amazing! She was very good at communicating with me, was always available to help and gave great advice. I love how she allowed me to do my thing and then added ideas to help, but overall she gave me the right amount of guidance as well as independence." 
    Student Teacher 2021  

    "Distance learning is hard. Having an extra professional in the virtual classroom was amazing. Having the extra help planning and creating materials was of huge benefit. The students also benefited from having another perspective and personality in the classroom." 
    Master Teacher 2020


    Master Teacher Feedback SurveyStudent Teacher Feedback SurveyLive Lesson Recording Parent Release