[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I - J] [K] [L] [M] [N - O] [P] [Q - R] [S] [T] [U - V] [W] [Y - Z] E-mail Color Code Guide Staff Teachers Administration A Name E-mail Department/Position Alba Aguayo aaguayo3@rialtousd.org Career Center Technician Noelany Aguayo naguayo@rialtousd.org Clerk Typist II May Akalemeaku makaleme@rialtousd.org SPED Cynthia Almazan calmazan@rialtousd.org Math Coach Laura Anderson landerso@rialtousd.org Science Abigail Apregilio aapregil@rialtousd.org English Gabriela Archuleta garchuleta@rialtousd.org Attend. Clerk Eric Atkinson eatkinso@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. Lance Atkinson latkinso@rialtousd.org Science return to top
BName E-mail Department/Position Kim Bailey kmbailey@rialtousd.org World Languages Rebecca Barbee rbarbee@rialtousd.org World Languages Rosemary Bauer rbauer@rialtousd.org Health/P.E. Catherine Beckman cbeckman@rialtousd.org Special Ed. Katrina Behr kbehr@rialtousd.org English David Benoit dbenoit@rialtousd.org MCJROTC Jeffrey Berry jberry@rialtousd.org English Mark Bibian mbibian@rialtousd.org English Stephanie Bleeker sbleeker@rialtousd.org Secretary Kaylah Borrowman kborrowm@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts Jessica Bravo jbravo@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. Reynaldo Bustillo rbustill@rialtousd.org Speech return to top
CName E-mail Department/Position David Cabrera dcabrera2@rialtousd.org Safety & Intervention Sebastian Calderon scalderon@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Cameron Caldwell ccaldwel2@rialtousd.org Safety & Intervention Tishri Campa tcampa@rialtousd.org English Coral Carreon ccarreon@rialtousd.org Receptionist Liliana Casarrubias lcasarru@rialtousd.org Assistant Principal Stefanie Chamberlain schambe2@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts Joshua Cole jcole@rialtousd.org Science Luis Cortez lcortez@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Mark Cote mcote@rialtousd.org English Moriah Crayne mcrayne@rialtousd.org Budget Office Dimas Cuevas dcuevas2@rialtousd.org Library Tech. return to top
DName E-mail Department/Position Deserai Davis ddavis2@rialtousd.org English Jeremy Davis jdavis2@rialtousd.org English Carmen De La Cruz cdelacru@rialtousd.org Attendance Specialist Shannon Disbrow sdisbrow@rialtousd.org SPED Noel Dominguez ndomingu@rialtousd.org MCJROTC Laurie Dunbar-Smalls ldunbar@rialtousd.org Math return to top
EName E-mail Department/Position Baldomero Engriquez benrique@rialtousd.org SPED Adan Espinosa aespinos@rialtousd.org Math return to top
FName E-mail Department/Position Gina Felkins gfelkins@rialtousd.org Health/P.E. David Flores dflores@rialtousd.org Math Jady Flores jflores4@rialtousd.org Secretary Leslee Forney lforney@rialtousd.org Ed. Technology Technician Melissa Freeman mfreeman@rialtousd.org Math return to top
GName E-mail Department/Position Teresa Gallardo tgallard@rialtousd.org Health Asst. Cassandra Garcia cgarcia@rialtousd.org Athletic Trainer Edobar Gbenoba egbenoba@rialtousd.org Math Miles George mgeorge@rialtousd.org Safety & Intervention John Godinez jgodinez@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. Alejandra Gonzalez agonzale5@rialtousd.org English Raymond Gonzalez rgonzale6@rialtousd.org SPED return to top
HName E-mail Department/Position Shon Hampton rhampton@rialtousd.org Counselor Kristal Henriquez-Pulido khenriqu@rialtousd.org Principal Carlos Hernandez chernand5@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Stephany Hibdon sguzman@rialtousd.org Science Suzanna Hidalgo shidalgo@rialtousd.org Program Specialist Sean Hopkins shopkins@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Stephanie Horgan shorgan@rialtousd.org Health/P.E. Clement Hudson dhudson@rialtousd.org Math Lindsey Humphreys
lhumphreys@rialtousd.orgVisual/Performing Arts Karensa Hutchens khutchens@rialtousd.org English return to top
I - JName E-mail Department/Position Kristy Iwashika
kiwashika@rialtousd.orgSPED Eric Jackson ejackson@rialtousd.org Counselor Jennifer Jimenez jjimenez@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts return to top
KName E-mail Department/Position Tracy Kane tkane@rialtousd.org Library Tech. Gisella Knapp gknapp@rialtousd.org Attend. Clerk Delynda Kobbe dkobbe@rialtousd.org ASB Clerk Suzanne Kull skull@rialtousd.org Counselor return to top
LName E-mail Department/Position Eric Lawlor elawlor@rialtousd.org Science Steve Lim slim@rialtousd.org English Ramon Linares rlinares@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts Elizabeth Little elittle@rialtousd.org SPED Luz Luna lluna@rialtousd.org Attend. Clerk return to top
MName E-mail Department/Position Karen Macias-Loera kmaciasl@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Jessica Marasco jmarasco@rialtousd.org Assistant Principal Monique Marquez-Green mmarquez@rialtousd.org Athletic Director Micaela Martinez mmartinez2@rialtousd.org SPED Michael Martinelli mmartinelli@rialtousd.org Social Studies Desmond Maxwell dmaxwel@rialtousd.org Math Patrick McNay pmcnay@rialtousd.org Safety & Intervention Khristina Mejia kmejia2@rialtousd.org Science Steven Melara smelara@rialtousd.org SPED Marbla Monterroso mmonterr@rialtousd.org World Languages Griselda Montoya gmontoya@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Elisabeth Morales emorales@rialtousd.org SPED Jessica Moreno jmoreno@rialtousd.org Secretary Wendy Moreno wmoreno@rialtousd.org Workability return to top
N - OName E-mail Department/Position Khoi Nguyen knguyen@rialtousd.org Science Robert O'Howell rohowell@rialtousd.org World Languages Ejere Okorie eokorie@rialtousd.org Nurse Gabriel Osso gosso@rialtousd.org World Languages return to top
PName E-mail Department/Position Teddy Pagkaliwangan tpagkali@rialtousd.org Science Gina Panicaro gpanicaro@rialtousd.org English Kashima Patridge kpatridg@rialtousd.org SPED Mark Perantoni mperanto@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Ray Pergler rpergler@rialtousd.org Health/P.E. Olga Pesantes-Mills opesante@rialtousd.org Math Cynthia Pool cpool@rialtousd.org Assistant Principal Fernando Prado fprado@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Jeffrey Prentice jprentic@rialtousd.org Counselor Hazel Price hprice2@rialtousd.org English Carolyn Pulaski cpulaski@rialtousd.org Safety & Intervention return to top
Q - RName E-mail Department/Position Antonio Quintero aquinter@rialtousd.org Math Bonnie Quintero bquinter@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Kellen Quinto kquinto@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Alejandra Ramirez aramirez6@rialtousd.org Counselor Christopher Ramirez cramirez5@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Diana Ramirez dramirez@rialtousd.org World Language Michael Rawls mrawls@rialtousd.org English Shari Rawls srawls@rialtousd.org Psychologist Redus Reed rreed@rialtousd.org SPED Vincent Ressa vressa@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts Veronica Reynolds vreynold@rialtousd.org Science Jacqueline Rivera Davila jrivera5@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. Rocio Robles Gutierrez rrobles@rialtousd.org Wellness Center Lorraine Robles lrobles5@rialtousd.org Special Ed. Mildred Rodriguez mrodriguez@rialtousd.org Registrar/Records Office Noel Rodriguez nrodrigu@rialtousd.org Psychologist Rachel Rodriguez rrodrigu@rialtousd.org World Language Samalu Rodriguez srodrigu4@rialtousd.org English Jose Rosales jrosales2@rialtousd.org Math Carmelo Ruffo cruffo@rialtousd.org English return to top
SName E-mail Department/Position Dana Sabbara dsabbara@rialtousd.org SPED Humberto Salcido hsalcido@rialtousd.org Math Eddie Samuel esamuel@rialtousd.org Health/P.E. Crystal Sanchez csanchez3@rialtousd.org Secretary Jessica Sanchez jsanchez6@rialtousd.org Secretary Joshua Sanchez jsanchez5@rialtousd.org Assistant Principal Caroline Sandoval csandova@rialtousd.org SPED Linda Sauceda lsauceda@rialtousd.org SPED Rogelio Saucedo rsaucedo@rialtousd.org Science Tracie Scherzer tscherzer@rialtousd.org Visual/Performing Arts Sean Slaughter sslaught@rialtousd.org Social Sciences Melissa Smith msmith3@rialtousd.org Math Brenda Solache bsolache@rialtousd.org Math Gabriel Soria gsoria@rialtousd.org Math Nidia Soto nidiasoto@rialtousd.org Counselor Lindsey Stevenson lstevens@rialtousd.org Activities Director Mark Streeter mstreete@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. return to top
TName E-mail Department/Position Hillorie Tambaoan htambaoa@rialtousd.org Math Shari Taylor staylor@rialtousd.org SPED return to top
U/VName E-mail Department/Position Anna Valmores avalmore@rialtousd.org Science Cynthia Velez cvelez@rialtousd.org Science Patricia Vielma pvielma@rialtousd.org Career Technical Ed. Alan Villaganes avillaga@rialtousd.org English return to top
WName E-mail Department/Position Arif Warsi awarsi@rialtousd.org SPED Jose Wences jwences@rialtousd.org Science return to top
Y/ZName E-mail Department/Position return to top