Naval Honor School Recognition
2000 and 2005
Information About the Program
We would like to acquaint you with the rewarding program of the Eisenhower High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC.) This program is designed to provide the future leaders of America the skills they will require to be successful in the work force throughout life.
Some of the important objectives of MCJROTC are to:
- Develop informed and responsible citizens
- Strengthen character
- Help form habits of self-discipline
- Develop respect for and understanding of the need of Constitutional authority in a democratic society
- To develop and enhance leadership skills in the student
Elective credit will be offered each grade level. There is absolutely no cost to the student. There is no obligation to the Military. Uniforms and Marine Corps Equipment are provided free of charge.
As part of our curriculum, we teach rappelling, physical fitness, marksmanship, leadership skills, problem solving techniques as well as the development of good habits and attitudes essential for success and to meet the challenge of adult life.
We do spend free time in extra curricular activities in:
- Parades
- Color Guards
- Community Activities
Trips are planned throughout the year to various military installations for tours and to better acquaint the cadet with how the modern military operates. Highlights of this year included:
- Marine Corps Logistics Base - Barstow, California
- Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center - Twenty-nine Palms, California
- The Marine Corps Recruit Depot - San Diego, California
Plans for the future include:
- Marine Corps Air Station - Miramar, California
- Camp Pendleton, California
Each school year, a one week orientation visit is planned at a major Marine Corps Installation where cadets are offered the opportunity to live in the barracks and participate in Marine Corps training activities.
STUDENT BENEFITS. Successful completion of two years of instruction in the MCJROTC program as indicated on school transcripts, the MCJROTC Leadership Education Certificate or other official documentation, will entitle the student to the following benefits:
- A student presenting evidence of successful completion of at least two academic years of JROTC under any Military Department is entitled to advance promotion to the grade of no less than E-2 on initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Military Service. At their discretion, the Military Departments may award the grade of E-3 for successful completion of three academic years of JROTC. (This results in more pay per month and faster promotion to the next grade.)
- Upon enrollment in a college offering the Senior ROTC course, the cadet who has completed the three-year Junior ROTC course of instruction may be entitled to one year of basic Senior ROTC by the college concerned.
- Upon acceptance to a four-year college or university, the cadet who has successfully completed the Junior ROTC course of instruction may apply for the Marine Corps PLC program during the summer prior to the freshman year.
For more information about the classes look at the Course Descriptions.
If you would like more information, call us at (909) 820-7754 (a direct line into the Eisenhower MCJROTC office.) We will be happy to answer all of your questions.
- David Benoit
- Noel Dominguez
Trip to Washington D.C. - November 2018
Captain Luster and Ms. Barbara Roadarmel accompanied several cadets to Washington D.C. and United States Marine Corps Base Quantico. While there, they visited the FBI Academy, the home of Mary Washington (George Washington's mother), the National Mall, Command and Staff College, and the Lincoln Memorial. They also toured inside the White House, the James Monroe Museum, the Battle of Fredericksburg, Officer Candidate School, Officer Basic School, and the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Below are a few pictures from the trip. More are located in the school Photo Gallery.

Military Academy Appointment
Julia Kaelberer, a senior of the class of 2004 at Eisenhower High School, was awarded an appointment to the United States Naval Academy Preparatory School. Julia was cadet company commander of the MCJROTC unit at Eisenhower.