Any child between three to five years of age, residing in the Rialto Unified School District boundaries, may be referred to the Rialto Preschool Assessment Team (R-PAT) to determine the need for a special education assessment. This referral can be made by parents, private physicians, Regional Center, community agencies, or classroom teachers.
It is never too early to ask questions about your child’s development. As a parent, you are the best advocate for your child, and your observations are valuable. If your child is not reaching developmental milestones for their age, or if you have concerns about how they play, learn, communicate, behave, or move, it is important to seek guidance.
Why Acting Early Matters
Early identification and intervention can make a significant difference in a child’s growth and success. Delays in development may impact a child’s ability to learn and interact with others. Research shows that children who receive support early are more likely to develop essential skills that will help them thrive in school and everyday life.
Next Steps: Consulting with Professionals
If you have concerns about your child’s development, start by discussing them with your child’s pediatrician. A doctor can help determine whether your child is meeting age-appropriate milestones and may recommend further evaluation or specialized services.
Additionally, parents have the legal right to request a developmental evaluation through their local school district once their child turns three years old. Assessments conducted by the school district can help determine if your child is eligible for early intervention services or special education support.
Before Requesting an Assessment, Consider the Following:
To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, you may want to review the following factors:
✅ Hearing & Vision Screening: Has your child’s hearing and vision been checked within the last six months? Undiagnosed hearing or vision impairments can affect learning and development.
✅ Doctor’s Observations: Has your child’s pediatrician expressed concerns about any developmental delays? (e.g., fine or gross motor skills, speech and language development, cognitive skills)
✅ Feedback from Caregivers & Educators: Has a preschool teacher, daycare provider, or caregiver noticed any differences in your child’s development compared to their peers?
✅ Previous Early Intervention Services: Has your child received support from early intervention programs such as Preschool, the Inland Regional Center, or private therapy services (e.g., speech, occupational, or behavioral therapy)?
How to Request an Assessment
If you believe your child may need additional support, you can submit a written request for an evaluation to Rialto Preschool Assessment Team (RPAT). Be sure to include specific concerns and any relevant observations from doctors, caregivers, or teachers. Once a request is submitted, RPAT will facilitate an intake with parents then will review the information and determine the next steps in the assessment process.
If you have any questions or need assistance, Rialto Unified School District is here to help. Taking action early ensures your child has the best opportunities for success!
For more information, contact:
Rialto Unified School District – RPAT
Mainline (909) 820 - 8152
FAX (90) 820-8153
815 S. Willow Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376